### Turning Old Homemade Fruit Preserves into Your Own Alcohol

When you open your pantry and see rows of forgotten jars of fruit preserves, you might get the idea to creatively repurpose them. One way is to transform these fruit treasures into homemade alcohol. This is not only a great way to minimize food waste but also to create something unique and tasty. However, before you start making your own drink, you need to follow a few important steps to ensure the safety and quality of your beverage.

### Inspecting Preserves: How to Avoid Danger

Before working with preserves, it's essential to thoroughly inspect them. Look for any signs of spoilage, such as color changes, unpleasant smells, and especially mold. Using moldy preserves can be dangerous because mold can produce aflatoxins – toxic substances harmful to health. Aflatoxins can cause serious health problems, including liver cancer. Therefore, never use preserves that show any signs of mold.

### Recipe for Homemade Alcohol from Fruit Preserves

After thoroughly checking the preserves and ensuring they are safe to use, you can start preparing homemade alcohol. Here is a step-by-step recipe:

#### Ingredients:
- Fruit preserves (e.g., jam, compote)
- Water
- Sugar
- Wine yeast

#### Equipment:
- Hydrometer (Balling)
- Fermenter with an airlock
- Pot
- Spoon

#### Step 1: Preparing the Fruit
Depending on the type of preserves, you may need to dilute them with water to achieve the right consistency. If using jam, dissolve it in water to obtain a thin mixture. Compote can be used without additional dilution if it is already thin enough.

#### Step 2: Checking Sugar Content
Use a hydrometer to check the sugar content of the prepared mixture. The goal is to achieve 22 degrees on the Balling scale (22°Blg). If the sugar content is lower, add sugar, stirring until you reach the desired level. You can dilute the mixture with water if it is too thick or too sweet.

#### Step 3: Preparing for Fermentation
Pour the mixture into the fermenter, leaving some space for the foam that may form during fermentation. Add wine yeast according to the instructions on the package. Yeast can be prehydrated in warm water to speed up activation.

#### Step 4: Fermentation
Seal the fermenter with an airlock, which allows carbon dioxide to escape but prevents air from entering. Place the fermenter in a warm, dark place (18-25°C). Fermentation can take from a few weeks to several months, depending on the temperature and type of fruit.

#### Step 5: Distillation
After fermentation is complete, when no more bubbles are visible in the airlock, proceed to distillation. Here you have the option to choose between two distillation modes depending on the quality of the aroma and taste of the ferment.

1. **Distillation in Alembic Mode**
If the fermented mixture smells and tastes good, we suggest using the rectification column in alembic mode. Distillation in alembic mode allows you to obtain aromatic fruit brandy, preserving the richness of the fruit flavors and aromas. Perform the distillation, collecting the initial, main, and final fractions, paying special attention to separating the heads and tails to obtain a clean product.

2. **Rectification into Spirits**
If the preserves were old or have an unpleasant smell, rectification into spirits is a better choice. The rectification column allows for high purity alcohol, up to 96%. In this distillation mode, the alcohol is repeatedly condensed and evaporated, effectively removing unwanted odors and flavors, as well as impurities.

### The Versatility of a Copper Rectification Column

A copper rectification column is an extremely versatile tool. It can be used as a traditional alembic to produce aromatic spirits or in rectification mode to obtain pure, high-percentage alcohol. The copper in the column also acts as a catalyst, neutralizing sulfur compounds, which improves the quality of the final product. Due to its versatility, a copper rectification column is an ideal choice for both beginner and advanced home distillers.

### Conclusion

Turning old fruit preserves into homemade alcohol is a creative way to minimize food waste and create something unique. However, remember that safety is paramount – never use moldy preserves. By following the above steps and appropriately selecting the distillation method, you can enjoy a tasty homemade drink. Cheers!