Do I Need to Clean the Equipment Before First Use?

No, distillers do not require any cleaning or "technical processes" before first use.

What Should I Do with the First Product Collected from the Equipment? Should I Discard It?

There is no need to discard it. The first collected liter can be used in the next batch. It does not contain anything harmful.

My Keg Has Residue Inside! Do I Need to Do Anything Before First Use?

No, you do not need to do anything. Everything will wash away after the first process—it is not volatile, so it won't transfer to the product. The keg is a used tank (hence the low price), while new tanks do not have this issue but are more expensive. Nonetheless, it is fully functional, and you do not need to clean it.

Should the Packing Be Removed or Washed Before the First Process?

Absolutely not. The packing is ready to use, and removing and refilling it "your way" can lead to column flooding due to over-packing. Myths about cleaning the filling stem from manufacturers of cheap filling, which is often covered with production oil. Neither HENITOM packing nor scrubbers contain such oil, so no cleaning is required before use.

What Should Be Used for the First Boiling? Should I Boil Water?

For the first process, it is not recommended to "test" the equipment with pure water—it has a different boiling point than the wash and cannot stabilize at lower temperatures. You should pour in the wash and, if desired, discard the first liter of the product (only the first time).

Can I Clean the Equipment by Boiling Water with Citric Acid or Vinegar?

Absolutely not. Acetic acid creates toxic verdigris and should not be used to clean copper. Citric acid is not volatile, so such a process is a waste of time and energy. There is no need for such "trial" quasi-cleaning processes.

I Boiled Water, and the Distilled Water Has a Metallic Taste. What Did I Do Wrong?

Well... we advise against boiling water. Discard it and pour in a regular wash. The metallic taste will not be noticeable when working with a normal wash containing alcohol.

I Don't Know How to Clean My Equipment—Where Can I Find This Information?

In the user manual, under the "Cleaning and Maintenance" section. Copper equipment does not require special treatment, so do not worry. It will clean itself during the next process.

I Haven't Disassembled or Cleaned My Column in 3 Years. Is the Product Still Safe?

Yes, in distilleries, sealed equipment is often not disassembled for decades. This does not affect the product—besides the questionable aesthetics of having dirty equipment and the potential negative impact on the operator's mood.

I Burnt the Tank—How Can I Clean the Charred Residue?

A solution of NaOH (about 5-10%) will be helpful. Use protective gloves and goggles as it is a very caustic substance.

I Forgot About the Tank After Distillation for Several Weeks and Mold Developed Inside—What Should I Do?

Similarly, use NaOH or Neomoscan Sepa. After cleaning, rinse the tank very thoroughly.

Does Stainless Packing Require Periodic Replacement?

No, it does not wear out and does not need to be replaced.

Can I Replace Stainless SPP with Copper SPP?

Absolutely not. Copper packing has much worse performance and is unnecessary in a copper column. We discuss this in detail here: LINK

Foam from the Tank Contaminated the Packing. How Do I Clean It?

Remove it from the column, boil it in water with detergent (e.g., dishwashing liquid), dry it thoroughly, and refill the column. Do this without knocking or banging the tube—that's important. If you knock on the still during filling, the packing will be denser near the knock and therefore will be an origin for flooding. Just let the packing fall freely.